Why become a member?
As a member of Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust you can help shape our services and keep on top of the latest news.
As an NHS Foundation Trust, we need support from lots of people. One way you can support us is by becoming a member.
Being a Foundation Trust means a lot more people can have their say on our services. We also have more choices and freedom to change to meet the needs of the people who use our services.
It also means we have ‘members’. Becoming a member is free and you can decide how much time you would like to give. Anyone aged 14 and over in England and Wales can join us.
What can I do if I become a member?
If you become a member, you can:
- Receive regular information about the Trust
- Give your views on our plans and how we can improve
- Get involved, if you wish, on issues that interest you
- Elect people to the Council of Governors who will represent the interests of the Trust’s members, the public and partner organisations
- Stand as a Governor yourself
Different types of membership
- Service user – for people who have used our services in the last four years
- Carer – for people who have been a carer for a user of our services in the last six years
- Public – residents of England or Wales
- Staff – all Trust staff are automatically staff members unless they decide to opt out
Council of Governors
This is a group of people elected by the members who represent their views and the partners the Trust works with.
Its responsibilities include:
- Advising on the Trust’s strategic direction and plans
- Appointing the chair and non-executive directors to sit on the Board of Directors
- Approving the appointment of the Chief Executive
- Anyone aged 16 and over can be a governor – it could be you if you become a member