Dr Andrew Cairns

GMC No: 6054827

I trained in the East Midlands, which included time with the Nottingham Perinatal Psychiatry Service and was a member of the East Midlands Perinatal Managed Care Network where I developed an interest in working with mothers and their families at this pivotal time in life.

I have been Consultant for the Morpeth Mother & Baby Unit and CNTW Perinatal CMHT since 2012. Since 2022 I have been the Clinical Director for the North-East North Cumbria Perinatal Provider Collaborative.

I am the lead Psychiatric Advisor to the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths and have been a member of the NHS England Perinatal CRG since its inception in 2012. I am a past Executive member of the RCPsych Perinatal Faculty (2008-18).