The 2020 CNTW AMM/AGM will be held on Tuesday 15 September, 3pm – 5pm.
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 we will be holding the meeting virtually using Microsoft Teams to ensure staff, service user, carer and public safety during the pandemic.
This year, our theme will be ‘Stars to Steer By’ led by our special guest speaker, Baroness Rennie Fritchie DBE. Baroness Fritchie has a self-confessed ‘unconventional career’, leaving school before she was 16, living in Turkey and America before returning to the UK as a single parent of two boys at 28. Having no qualifications she was able to ‘knit’ her own career, having never went to University, but having been awarded seven honorary degrees.
Baroness Fritchie’s learning and personal journey has been based on how best to make a difference, and travel in work and life, in a way that has purpose. I’m sure everyone will join us in giving Baroness Fritchie a warm welcome to the meeting.
Janice Santos, our Children and Young People’s Services, Carer Governor, will also be sharing the story of her personal journey.
The AMM agenda is available to read here and the Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20 can be accessed here.
The meeting is open to all members of the public and staff, as well as CNTW’s Foundation Trust members. To join the meeting simple click on the following link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
We look forward to seeing you on 15th September, in the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Corporate Affairs Team at [email protected] or via telephone 0191 2456823.
Report on Elections 2020
Minute of AMM/AGM – 18 July 2019
CNTW Audit Report on the Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20
Strength and Transformation – Annual Magazine 2020