Thursday 26 September 2024 – Jubilee Theatre, St Nicholas Hospital, Jubilee Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3XT and via YouTube.
10am – 12.30pm: Refreshments and marketplace stalls and 1pm – 3pm: Celebration Event
Every year, we hold an Annual Members / Annual General Meeting and celebration event where we bring together the Trust Members, our staff, our Governors, members of the public and our Board of Directors. It is a fantastic day where Members can find out about some of our great work we have been doing over the last 12 months.
Our Charity Fund SHINE ‘Support, Hope, Inspire, Nurture and Empower’ which helps support people who use our services by providing the extra things that can make a real difference. The funding from SHINE does not replace the money used to fund care, instead it helps to provide ‘little extras’ – therapeutic activities or items of comfort to assist with people’s care, treatment or rehabilitation, generally helping towards them living a happier, fuller life.
From 1pm we will be hosting our Annual Celebration Event which this year is titled ‘Voyage to Recovery’ which our SHINE fund in collaboration with Cirdan Sailing Trust supported a group of nine young people recovering from psychosis crew a sailing boat from Peterhead to Hartlepool. Here we will be showcasing some fantastic examples of working in partnership with our staff, service users and carers and our health and care partners.
Before our meeting commences at 1pm, there will be a range of stalls available from 10am with representatives talking about the work taking place throughout the Trust and within our partner organisations in local communities.
Please come along and join us for a chat with our Trust and partner representatives, Council of Governors and Board of Directors about our work.
This meeting is also a live steamed event via YouTube. If you are not able to join us in person, this meeting will also be taking place via YouTube. All you need to do to join the meeting please copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://www.youtube.com/@cntw
If you would like to attend in person, please contact the Corporate Affairs Office to receive the booking link by emailing members@cntw.nhs.uk, or by scanning the QR Code below.