This is an exciting opportunity to represent the interests of Foundation Trust members and partner organisations making sure that the views of the wider community are taken into account in developing our services.
We are now holding elections to Council of Governors in the following constituencies:
- Carer: Adult Services (2 seats)
- Carer: Learning Disabilities and Autism Services (1 seat)
- Carer: Neuro-Disability Service (1 seat)
- Carer: Children and Young People’s Service (1 seat)
- Service User: Learning Disability and Autism Services (1 seat)
- Service User: Neuro-Disability Service (1seat)
- Service User: Adult Services (1 seat)
- Public: Newcastle upon Tyne, rest of England and Wales (1 seats)
- Public: Northumberland (1 seat)
- Public: Sunderland (1 seat)
- Staff: Non-Clinical (1 seats)
- Staff: Clinical (1 seat)
- Staff: Medical (1 seat)
If you would like more information on how to apply to become a Governor, please email: [email protected].
A nomination form to stand for election for these positions can be obtained here and from the Returning Officer in the following ways:
Telephone: 0208 889 9203
Email: [email protected]
Text: Text 2FT NW and your name and address to 8802
Post: Civica Election Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW
Should any nominee wish to withdraw their nomination, they must put this in writing to the Returning Officer by 5pm, Friday 12 November 2021
For all contested constituencies voting will open on Monday 29 November 2021. Voting will close at 5pm on Friday 17 December 2021.
Deadline for completed nomination applications is 5pm on Tuesday 9 November 2021.
Notice of Election