September’s CNTW Membership e-Newsletter

Posted: 04/09/23

flowers and leaves with cursive writing stating Hello September
Welcome to the September edition of CNTW’s Membership e-Newsletter

Farewell Message from Ken Jarrold, outgoing Chair of the Council of Governors and Board of Directors

The 30th of September will be my last day at CNTW and my last day working with and for the NHS. My first day was the 14th of September 1969 when I joined the NHS as a National Administrative Trainee. My first contact with what is now CNTW was in September 1970 when I was invited to apply for the role of Nursing Assistant [Nursing Education] for the Briggs Committee on Nursing. Vince Gorman from Northgate had been appointed to the Committee as the only Nurse with experience of Learning Disability in the UK. In 2006, soon after I retired from full time work as a Chief Executive, Mark Spybey invited me to give talks on Leadership and Management and current affairs at NTW Workshops. I did that until 2020. In 2017 the Council of Governors did me the great honour of appointing me as their Chair and as Chair of the Board of Directors.

It is a great sadness to me that I will be leaving the NHS in the worst condition in its history. As a citizen, I will be doing what I can to make sure that what has happened since 2010, never happens again. For all its faults and challenges the NHS remains a shining example of humanity in action, of the belief of a society that all people should be entitled to health care regardless of their circumstances. That is a principle worth fighting for.

It is also a great sadness to me that CNTW is in more difficulty than when I joined it in 2018. I have done my best to face up to the challenges we are facing and to be honest about our situation. Waiting Lists, particularly for Children and Young People and for people of all ages with Neurodiversity and some other specialist services, are much too long, our Community Teams and Wards are under great pressure, we are not always providing the care and treatment we know is needed and that we have the skills and experience to provide, we have faced great difficulties with recruitment and retention and rely too much on Agency staff, we are facing the greatest financial challenge we have ever faced.

Despite all these challenges, CNTW is the best organisation I have ever served, and I am profoundly grateful and honoured that I have been one of you. When I became Chair, I spent time understanding why CNTW was special. I said in an article in the Bulletin that it seemed to me that there were ten things that made NTW special. My experience in the last 5 and a half years has reinforced my view. The ten things are:

  1. No complacency. Although people are very glad that CNTW has been rated “Outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission twice they know from complaints, and from the staff survey, that we don’t always get things right and that we do our best to learn from what goes wrong.
  2. Values are lived – service users and carers are at the centre of all we do and staff are supported and developed.
  3. There is a powerful circle of experience – high calibre and long serving staff and the respect and trust that exists between them – supported by a vast array of opportunities for training and education.
  4. Curiosity and Innovation – there is a strong desire to do better, to learn from the best to develop and adopt best practice. An example of this is our Innovations Team which has helped other Trusts.
  5. Research and Development – a long history of distinguished people including the founding Professor of Psychiatry, Alexander Kennedy, and the second Professor, and First President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists – Martin Roth.
  6. Generations of distinguished clinical and managerial leaders.
  7. Many outstanding leaders and managers at all levels and in all occupations and professions.
  8. Information and IT- amongst the best in the NHS.
  9. Excellent support services and estates services imbued with NHS values.
  10. Excellent internal communications including regular bulletins.

I know that you will do your best to live the values set out in ‘With you in mind’ and our commitments to service users, families, and carers, each other, and our partners and communities. I know that you will look after yourselves and each other.

I dedicated my book, “Other People’s Shoes”, to my first boss, Jack Newton. By the time I stopped working with him in 1974, I had learned the things that I have tried to live by:

Service Users and Carers first, last and always. Keep them in your minds and in your hearts.

We all have an important part to play, however, the most important people are the front-line colleagues who work directly with service users including the Support Workers on whom we rely so heavily.

The Board and Managers are here to serve their colleagues. They are servants first.

No bullying or harassment of any kind. What matters is who you are, what you do, what you say and how you behave towards others.

I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life in our new home in Ryton and to being a member of CNTW. I look forward to attending the Annual Members Meeting and to asking challenging questions!

I will hold you all in the light.


Ken Jarrold CBE Chair
  • Announcing our new Chair – Darren Best

    Darren Best, New ChairmanCumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) is pleased to announce that Darren Best has been appointed as the Trust’s new chair.

    Darren will take up the role in October, taking over from current chair Ken Jarrold CBE.

    CNTW is one of the largest mental health and disability trusts in the country, employing more than 9,000 staff and serving a population of approximately 2.3 million people.

    Darren joined the Trust as a Non-Executive Director in 2019. Prior to this, he worked as a police officer for 30 years. His last job in policing was as Deputy Chief at Northumbria Police.

    He says it was during his time in the police where his own journey with mental health began. The tragic death of a friend and colleague made him more aware of his mental health which has helped in decision-making on how services can be developed and delivered.

    ​​​​​​​On his new role, Darren said: “I’m very much looking forward to working as the new chair.

    I am passionate about the work CNTW does and I’m proud to be a part of it. I feel genuinely honoured to be working with people who do amazing things every day.

    Outside of work, he enjoys making the most of the great outdoors in the North East and spending time with his wife, their three grown-up children and dog Bobby.

    Outgoing chair Ken Jarrold has been in post since 2018.

    He said: “I am absolutely delighted that the Council of Governors have appointed Darren as my successor. It was a privilege to be involved in his appointment as a Non-Executive Director and it has been a pleasure to work with him. I know that Darren will lead through challenging times and encourage leadership throughout CNTW.”

  • World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2023

    Join us in helping to prevent suicide with Samaritans. If you're worried about someone, try asking directly if they're suicidal, it could save a life. Text is written on a green background with the Samaritans logo in the bottom left corner World Suicide Prevention Day was established in 2003 in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and is a significant advocacy and communication-based event aimed at reaching national organisations, governments and the general public, giving a singular message that suicide can be prevented.


    Why is this day so important?

    The latest suicides statistics showed that in 2018, in the UK and Republic of Ireland, more than 6,800 people died by suicide. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy.

    And we know that suicide is preventable, it’s not inevitable.

    But not being OK is still widely stigmatised. And governments can still make better, more ambitious plans to prevent suicide.

    This World Suicide Prevention Day we are support Samaritans in their mission to highlight the importance of the language we use when we talk about suicide, especially when asking someone you’re worried about if they’re suicidal.

    The Samaritans website has some very useful information about how you can start a conversation with someone about suicide and the best use of language to make sure that person feels supported

    Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA)

    The ZSA have a range of free online training courses to teach yopu the skills and confidence to have a potentially life-saving conversation with someone you’re worried about. Including specific courses for:

    • University students
    • Veterans
    • Taxi drivers

    You can find their courses over on their website

  • Light a candle on World Suicide Prevention Day in Cumbria with Every life matters

    World Suicide Prevention Day Join us to light a candle, to remember a loved one lost to suicide and for those who live with thoughts of suicide Under the text is a row of 7 lit candlesAt 8pm on the 10th of September 2023 in Barrow, Carlisle, Kendal, Maryport, Penrith and Whitehaven.

    These events are an opportunity to come together in solidarity with others who have lost family members, friends and colleagues to suicide, and those who want to show their support for people in our communities who are living with thoughts of suicide.

    These are simple and informal events. There will be no speeches, ceremony or pressure to speak to others, unless you want to.

    Please be there before 8.00pm ready to light a candle, and to share a minute silence and reflection with people around the world on the hour.

    You are more than welcome to join anytime from 7.00 pm to meet others or to talk to members of Every Life Matters. Please visit for more information.

  • World Alzheimer's Day - 21st September 2023

    World Alzheimer’s Day is a global opportunity to raise awareness around, educate, encourage support of and demystify dementia.

    Globally, dementia is one of the biggest challenges we face, with nearly 50 million people living with dementia worldwide. To tackle this international dementia challenge, we need to work together and share best practice with one another.

    Alzheimer’s Society is committed to work with partners on global research and campaigning, as well as sharing their learning, best practice and experience with one another.

    To find out what you can get involved in to support this years World Alzheimer’s Day including sharing posts on social media or volunteering at a local memory walk please visit the Alzheimer’s Society website.

  • The team are out and about across the North East and North Cumbria

    As we come up to our Council of Governor elections we will be getting in full swing coming out to our local communities and providers to advertise these amazing opportunities and hopefully welcome some of you, our Members, on to the Council of Governors.

    In October’s e-Newsletter we will have all the details about what vacancies are available and how you can nominate yourself for one of the rolls.

    In the meantime you can catch us at the following places:

    • Service User and Carer Reference Group – 7thSeptember
      • The County Hotel, Newcastle upon Tyne
    • Abetteru Health and wellbeing drop in South Tyneside – 11thSeptember
      • Cleadon Park Primary Care Centre and Library
    • Gateshead Service User Forum – 12th September and 10th October
      • Gateshead Learning Skills, in the main Interchange
    • Annual Members’ Meeting – 21stSeptember
      • Jubilee Theatre, St Nicholas Hospital
    • Cumbria CVS Mental Health Provider Forum – 27thSeptember
      • Morton Community Centre, Carlisle
    • Abetteru Network Meeting – 12th October
      • Virtual
    • Cumbria CVS Action for Health Meeting – 17thOctober
      • Venue TBC

    Jack Wilson

    We are pleased to announce our Corporate Engagement Assistant, Jack Wilson, is now an appointed Governor on North Cumbria Integrated Care (NCIC) NHS Foundation Trust’s Council of Governors, further strengthen our partnership working with other NHS Trusts and supporting the communities we serve over in Cumbria.

  • Annual Members’ Meeting / Annual General Meeting 2023

    Launching our new Trust Strategy With you in mind

    Date:     Thursday 21 September 2023

    Venue:   Jubilee Theatre, St Nicholas Hospital, Jubilee Road, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3XT

    1pm – 3pm: Refreshments and market place
    3pm – 5pm: Formal meeting

    Before our meeting commences at 3pm, there will be a range of stalls available from 1pm with representatives talking about the work taking place throughout the Trust and within our partner organisations in local communities.

    Please come along and join us for a chat with our Trust and partner representatives, Council of Governors and Board of Directors about our work.

    If you would like to attend, please click here or scan the QR Code to sign up.

    QR code to book your place at this year’s Annual Members/General Meeting

  • Donation to the SHINE Fund from Barrett Homes

    CNTW and Barratt homes staff holding a giant cheque standing on the new painted NHS rainbow at Sycamore GroveLocal housebuilder, Barratt Developments North East has donated an amazing £1,500 to the SHINE Fund as part of the NHS 75th Anniversary this year. As part of this commemoration, and to highlight the site’s history as the former Walkergate Hospital, a vibrant NHS rainbow road crossing has been created at Sycamore Grove, honouring the invaluable contributions of healthcare professionals and acknowledging their unwavering dedication.

    Sharon Brennan, Marketing Manager at SHINE commented: “We are tremendously grateful to Barratt Developments North East for their generous donation to our SHINE.  These funds will allow us to continue our mission of providing meaningful experiences and essential resources to our service users. By supporting their well-being and quality of life, we can help them on their path to recovery and beyond.”

    Carl Sobolewski, Managing Director at Barratt Developments North East, added: “We are honoured to be backing such an exceptional organisation as the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Charity. Their tireless efforts in improving the lives of those in need align with our commitment to creating thriving communities, and together, we can work to make a genuine and lasting impact.”

    To find out more about the SHINE fund visit:

    What’s more, in honour of the anniversary, Barratt Developments North East has extended its Key Workers Deposit Contribution Scheme to the 15th December 2023. The scheme enables key workers a deposit contribution of £1,000 for every £20,000 of the purchase price, up to the value of £23,000. Alongside NHS employees, the scheme also assists key workers including teachers, police and fire services, the MOD, prison and probation services, plus the Local Authority employees and Highways England. To find out more

  • Looking for help? 24-hour access to mental health care, advice and support.

    If you need help with your mental health, please follow this link to see some of the options available to you.

  • CNTW self-help guides

    CNTW continue to provide award-winning self-help guides in a range of formats (leaflets, BSL and audio) as well as audio files of relaxation techniques, which can help relieve stress and gain a sense of well-being.

    To access self-help guides please visit our online bookcase.

  • Give us your feedback

    As always, we very much welcome any suggestions or ideas that you have. We also have our survey that you can complete to let us know your thoughts of this month’s e-Newsletter or if you have a questions please email us at: [email protected]

    QR code which directs you to our online survey Please follow this link or scan the QR code to go to our survey.

    Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with the work we are doing and ways you can get involved @CNTW_Membership

  • Not yet a Member?

    To receive regular copies of this newsletter straight to your inbox, sign up for Membership!

    Either visit our website, or e-mail [email protected] if you would like a paper form sent out.