As the Easter holidays come to an end, students will be getting prepared to sit their exams in the coming weeks.
For students and their families this can be a very stressful time, so Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (NTW), a local mental health and disability service provider can offer some help and advice through a range of downloadable self-help guides.
Sitting exams can cause young people stress, anxiety and depression. The guides outline what stress is, what anxiety is, how you can identify them and what you can do to manage them.
Our self-help guides have been designed to give practical help and advice. We would like to encourage all students about to sit their exams to download these free guides and keep them with them.
Parents will also find these guides very useful; they will give them the tools to help their children manage their stress and anxiety. They offer information on relaxation techniques and breathing exercises to help students relax and therefore stay focused
Karen O'RourkePatient Information Manager
You can download the guide from www.ntw.nhs.uk/selfhelp or by contacting NTW on 0191 246 7288.