Referral contacts
We've designed a series of contact sheets, broken down by CCG area, to help you find the contact you need as quickly as possible. We hope they are of use to you.
The referral lists below will be updated every six weeks. The clinical team will always do their best to help you with your call.
Where available, the contact information is linked to the service’s referrers’ information leaflets which describe the service function and referral process in more detail. If we don’t provide a service in a particular CCG area we’ve made a note of it.
- Gateshead referral information
- Newcastle referral information
- North Tyneside referral information
- Northumberland referral information
- South Tyneside referral information
- Sunderland referral information
- North Cumbria referral information
Aternatively, our services information is now available on GPTeamNet
For our full, searchable, service directory, click here.
Referral templates for use in Northumberland Working age Adult Community Services – for use by GP use only.
Referral Template for Northumberland Adult CTT (Word version)
Information for GPs about our Memory Management Service
Memory Assessment and Management Service (MAMS) Newcastle - Information for GPs