Carer Promise

Family, partners and friends play an essential role in supporting people; they are known as carers. Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust will work in partnership with carers to ensure we provide the best care for people who use our services, and to support the needs of the carers themselves. The Trust is committed to the pledges as outlined in this Carer Promise.

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Carer Promise A5 leaflet

Carer Promise poster

  • Carer Promise

    You will be recognised, valued and involved.

    We will work together with you to ensure we are all aware of your needs as a carer.

    We will listen to you, share information with you and be honest with you when
    there is information we cannot share.

    We will talk with you about where you can get further help and information and
    what you can expect from us.

  • Introduction

    Family, partners and friends play an essential role in supporting people accessing our services; they are known as carers.

    A carer is someone who looks after another person, usually a family member or friend, who could not manage without their support due to illness, disability, mental health problems or an addiction.

    Caring for someone could include helping with:
    – Cooking
    – Phone calls
    – Personal care
    – Attending appointments
    – Emptional support
    – Medication

    We will work in partnership to involve you, not just because
    we have a statutory duty to do so, but because we want to and
    appreciate that your knowledge and experience, as a carer, can
    benefit and improve the care we give.

    We understand that carers play a critical role and without your
    support, we would not be able to deliver the hope, treatment and
    care that we always aim to do.

  • You will be recognised, valued and involved

    We recognise that, on occasions, carers will also need support for themselves.

    You will be:

    offered a Carer Card which will enable staff to recognise you in your role as a carer. A member of staff can provide further information.

    asked how you want to be involved in the care of the person you care for and what practical measures can be put in place to support this.

    given the opportunity to discuss any difficulties you are experiencing in your caring role, with staff.

  • We will work together with you to ensure we are all aware of your needs as a carer

    Within a few days of coming into contact with Trust services a member of staff will arrange to spend some time with you to get to know you. We will listen and ask questions together to develop a shared understanding of your caring needs. It is important that you share concerns you have with staff so we can
    help and support you in your caring role.

    We recognise other things may have an impact on you.

    – Other caring responsbilities
    – Own health
    – Education or training
    – Work commitments
    – Finance

  • We will listen to you, share information with you and be honest with you when there is information we cannot share

    Confidentiality should not stop us listening to you. Sometimes there can be difficulties in relation to confidentiality and sharing information. When a service user/patient wishes to withhold information, then these wishes must be respected.

    Staff will ensure that you receive as much information as possible to help you in your caring role, the Trust calls this ‘Commonsense Confidentiality’.

    When sharing information between service users, carers and staff the following will be considered:
    – Legal documentation
    – Potential risk
    – Service user wishes
    – Privacy and confidentiality of carers and service users

    Even without consent, we can listen to any concerns that you may have. We can share general information, not specific to the service user/patient about:
    – The service
    – The diagnosis and how it may present
    – How to support the service user/patient, particularly in a crisis
    – Medication and possible side effects
    – Contact details for local and national support organisations

  • We will talk with you about where you can get further help and information and what you can expect from us

    Carers UK
    Advice line: 0808 808 7777, 9am-6pm, Monday to Friday Email: [email protected]; Website:
    Provides information on your rights and how to get help.

    Pharmacy Medicines Information Helpline
    Tel: 0191 245 6604, 9am- 5pm, Monday to Friday
    Patients of the Trust and their carers can call with any medication related enquiry. The service is confidential, run by specialist pharmacists.

    Mental health self help guides
    A range of self help guides which cover topics such as Depression and Low Mood, Controlling Anger, Stress and Anxiety offer people the opportunity to find out more about the causes of mental health issues and provide tools to work through feelings and emotions. The guides are free to access and are available in a range of formats, including audio, easy read and BSL.

    Useful Contacts for Carers leaflet
    A list of organisations offering advice and support to carers and families.

    A range of carer resources are available from staff and also at
    – A checklist for carers
    – Mummy is poorly
    – Mummy is a hero

  • Triangle of Care

    The Triangle of Care was launched in 2010 to highlight the need for service users, carers and staff to work together in partnership.

    The six key Principles outlined in the Triangle of Care underpin the Carer Promise. These are:

    – Carers and the essential role they play are identified at first contact, or as soon as possible thereafter
    – Staff are ‘carer aware’ and trained in carer engagement strategies
    – Policy and practice protocols regarding confidentiality and sharing information are in place
    – Defined post(s) responsible for carers are in place
    – A carer introduction to the service and staff is available, with a relevant range of information across the care pathway
    – A range of carer support services is available along with a self-assessment tool

    For further information, you can read the Trust’s Triangle of Care annual report available at

    Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust has received a two
    star award for Triangle of Care. The award recognises the Trust’s commitment to ensuring all staff adopt good practice when working with carers and families.

  • What if I have a comment, suggestion, compliment or complaint about the service?

    You can talk to a staff member directly or you can contact one of the organisations listed below.

    Additional ways to feedback are available at

    Your Voice
    [email protected]
    This is a way of sharing your thoughts on care you received from a service or ward. This could be any type of experience good or bad. You can ask us to let you know what happened with your feedback.

    Comments and complaints
    Complaints Department, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, St Nicholas Hospital, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3XT [email protected] Tel: 0191 245 6672
    When you believe something went wrong, let us know. This will give us the opportunity to make sure you or someone else doesn’t have the same experience.

    Patient Advice and Liaison Service
    North of Tyne
    [email protected]
    Tel: 0800 032 0202

    South of Tyne
    [email protected]
    Tel: 0800 328 4897

    Provide confidential advice and support to service users, relatives and carers when you have a concern or query about care.

  • Get involved

    There are a number of different ways for carers to get involved.

    Service User and Carer Reference Group
    A service user and carer led forum working in partnership with staff to support continuous improvement of Trust services.
    Tel: 01670 501 816 [email protected]

    The Involvement Bank
    Provides opportunities for service users and carers with recent lived experience to be involved in a range of service development opportunities including recruitment and training of staff.
    Tel: 01670 501 816 [email protected]

    Voluntary Services
    Volunteers participate in a wide range of non-clinical activities across the Trust, complementing the work of healthcare professionals to enhance the experience of our patients and carers.
    Tel: 0191 246 7287 [email protected]

    Trust Membership
    Members can receive regular information about the Trust with
    opportunities to give views and elect people to the Council of
    Tel: 0191 245 6827 [email protected]

  • Acknowledgement

    Our promise to carers was co-designed by carers and staff linked to Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

  • Information about content, other formats and version control

    Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.

    This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Published by the Patient Information Centre

    2023 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

    Ref, PIC/740/0524 May 2024 V3 Tel: 0191 246 7288

    Review date 2026