Sport and Fitness Hub – Sycamore and Northgate Park – Sport, exercise and physical activity information leaflet
This leaflet provides you with information about the sport, exercise and physical activities available at Sycamore and Northgate Park. It explains the benefits of exercise and how much you should be doing.
This leaflet provides you with information about the sport, exercise and physical activities available at Sycamore and Northgate Park. If you’re not sure about anything in this leaflet please ask a member of staff.
Meet the team
- Andrew Murray, Sport and Fitness Lead
- Michael Gardner, Sport and Fitness Practitioner
- Mark Downey, Sports Coordinator
- Stuart Hall, Clinical Support Assistant – Sports
- Lauren Davison, Clinical Support Assistant – Sports
- Liam Robertson, Clinical Support Assistant – Sports
Aims of the Sport Team
- To promote maximum inclusion in sport and physical activity by providing a wide variety of opportunities for all whilst working collaboratively and embracing diversity.
- To play a key role in promoting physical activity by tackling health inequalities while targeting the barriers that prevent individuals from engaging in physical activity.
- To support, motivate and educate individuals to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.
- To deliver a patient centred service based on need and interest.
- To support the wider multi-disciplinary team’s and services by utilising sport as a vehicle for delivering valued and meaningful activity.
Our role
- Assess the fitness needs of the patient through use of a Health screen and physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q).
- Devise individual fitness programmes tailored to meet the goals and physical capabilities of the individual.
- Promote maximum inclusion in sport and physical activity by providing a wide variety of opportunities to participate.
- Support the wider multi-disciplinary teams and services in addressing physical and mental health concerns, promoting the development of social and wider cognitive skills.
- Promote exercise not only as a distraction or a recreational pastime for patients, but as a valued therapeutic tool that can be utilised as a means of people achieving their therapeutic goals.
How to be referred
If you feel like you would like to improve your physical health, fitness or sport related skills you can self-refer into the Sport and Fitness HUB. The Sport and Fitness HUB team will meet with you to discuss your goals and work with you to identify the programmes best suited to your goals.Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) referrals
At times the multi-disciplinary team may contact the Sport and Fitness HUB to make a referral for a service user with specific interests or goals. An MDT can make a referral for a service user to access any of the exercise and sport related programmes running. Ward rounds and MDT meetings are opportunities for service users to ask for a referral into the Sport and Fitness HUB service.Service specific referrals
Services such as dietetics, the physical health team and physiotherapy all work to identify any physical health/dietary issues they may have whilst in the service. The Sport and Fitness HUB can receive referrals for bespoke physical health interventions from these services to support service users to improve their physical health conditions. These sessions may be on a 1-1 basis or small group programmes depending on specific physical health goals.Occupational Therapy (OT) referrals
A referral request can be made by qualified occupational therapy staff when there is a need identified through therapy planning. A service user can meet with their identified OT to discuss this and ask to be referred to the Sport and Fitness HUB.Ward based referrals
A ward based staff member may contact the Sport and Fitness HUB to discuss a referral for a service user. The Sport and Fitness HUB will meet with the service user to discuss the referral and work together to identify suitable programmes.*Some referrals for specific programmes may require being put on a waiting list due to restrictions on group numbers. Special requests for sports, exercise groups and programmes that are not being delivered can be considered. New sport and exercise groups will be promoted during community meetings, ward rounds and physical health champions.
Sycamore is purpose built to support and promote a physically active culture both within the hospital setting and surrounding grounds.
The site boasts an impressive range of both indoor and outdoor exercise and fitness facilities all aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of individuals.
Facilities include:
- Fitness suite
- Sports barn
- Athletics track
- Tennis court
- Basketball court
- Woodlands cycle track
In addition to this ward based internal courtyards are designed as multi-purpose areas that are well equipped to host basketball, net sports and outdoor pool/table tennis and fitness activities.
Villa 7 gym
Exercise equipment: treadmill, upright cycle, dumbbells, weight bench, multi-gym M3 machine, standing boxing bag.Sycamore gym
Exercise equipment: treadmill, upright cycle, recumbent cycle, cross trainer, dumbbells, weight benchs, multi-gym M5 machine, rower, sandbags, medicine balls, power rack, and barbells. -
Supporting recovery
We proactively support embedding the Model of Care into our service. This cyclic model demonstrates that recovery is an ongoing process. The following chart illustrates the journey of change a person may go through in relation to their engagement and motivation. The journey is not linear and there may be fluctuations during a person’s stay in the service.
9-10 – Self-management
Provide coaching, give praise and feedback and encourage reflection to reinforce learning and self-monitoring.
Maintaining a support network and links for the person.
Provide exposure to a wide range of situations to apply independently coping strategies and skills learnt.7-8 – Learning
Provide opportunities to learn new skills and coping strategies.
Assisting with the preparation of exposure to new activities and encouraging independence during the activity.
Encourage self-reflection through praise and feedback.
Encourage increased involvement in assessment and planning of care.
Working with the person to establish a support network and links for the future.5-6 – Believing
Beginning to develop motivation to change and learn by offering praise and feedback.
Providing protected opportunities to practice existing skills and demonstrate awareness of safety and risk within a wider range of contexts.
Encourage involvement in planning of care.3-4 – Accepting help
Beginning to find out about the person’s strengths, and areas of need and encouraging them to share their life story.
Developing self-awareness through other people noticing and commenting about skills and areas of need.
Increasing opportunities for participation in activities of interest.
Developing existing relationships and continuing to ensure a safe and therapeutic environment.1-2 – Stuck
Finding out about the person, who and what is important to them.
Building trusting relationships as a foundation to work and ensuring a safe and therapeutic environment.
Developing the person’s sense of self through offering opportunities and exposure to activities of interest via staff, peer group or both. -
Benefits of sport and exercise
Finding the right fit for you
- If it’s not fun and motivating you won’t want to do it. Whatever you choose it has to be enjoyable and of interest to you.
- Take a look at our mixed menu of physical activity and sport to see if there’s something you like.
- Remember, if there’s something you fancy but have never done it before we can support you along the way.
Let’s get started- Everyone has a different starting point. We’ll give you a health screen, chat about your health goals and place you at a safe and comfortable level that suits your needs.
- Making sport less hard. Let’s take it slow, learn some new skills and have some fun. We won’t rush or expect too much you can take things at your own pace.
- Keeping you moving forward. If you’re already fit and active we can help you stay motivated and achieve new goals.
Our dedicated team of Sport Instructors work alongside Occupational Therapy and the multi-disciplinary team to address physical health concerns and promote positive lifestyle choices. -
Patient quotes
“Exercise makes me feel good, support my mental health and sleep”
“Exercise helps me to feels more positive and hopeful around my physical health”
“The gym gives me something to focus on and set goals”
“The sports team are flexible and have helped to guide me to reach my plan”
Benefits of exercise
It can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer and lower your risk of early death by up to 30%.
Health benefits
Given the overwhelming evidence, it seems obvious that we should all be physically active. It’s essential if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into old age.
It’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have lower risk of:
- coronary heart disease and stroke
- type 2 diabetes
- bowel cancer
- early death
- osteoarthritis
- hip fracture
- falls (among older adults)
- depression
- dementia
How much? How often?
Current exercise/physical activity guidelines are:
At least 150 minutes of moderate intensity per week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous intensity per week, or a combination of both.Moderate activity will increase your breathing but you can still talk. Activities include swimming, cycling or a brisk walk.
Vigorous activity will make you breathe fast and you will have difficulty talking. Activities include running, walking up stairs or sports such as tennis.
To keep muscles, bones and joints strong build strength on at least two days a week. You can do this by carrying heavy bags, going to the gym or doing yoga.
Break up periods of inactivity.
Older adults should improve balance two days per week to reduce the chance of frailty and falls. Bowls, Tai Chi and dance can help with this.
*Remember that these are just guidelines. The most important thing is that you look at ways to increase your activity levels.
Remember it’s not all about sport and exercise
It all counts (pushing, pulling, lifting and loading) whether that be walking the daily mile, working or digging in GARPRO (gardens) or sawing and sanding in woodwork. -
Sport and physical activity menu
We have a range of sports, exercise groups and physical activities to meet all your needs and more.
**Most team sports can be adapted to accommodate a range of abilities and the length of programme delivery can vary depending on the programme and its objectives.
Team sports/groups
Good for- Improving your social skills.
- Getting along with others.
- Feeling part of a team.
- Getting fit by having fun.
- Increasing and maintaining your physical activity levels.
Examples include:- Football
- Kick about
- Skills and drills
- Football team
- Football fitness
- Evening football
- Volleyball
- Team games
- Badminton
- Pilates
* One to one support is available for all and can be used to help patients prepare for entry to groups.
Health and fitness
- Good for
- Becoming active and staying active.
- Setting your own goals.
- Improving your confidence.
- Helping to lose weight.
- Increasing and maintaining your physical activity levels.
Examples include:- Gym
- Net sports
- Walking
- Jogging
- Cycling
- Circuit training
- Hydrotherapy/Aquafit
- Boxercise
- Swimming
- Stretchalates
*One to one support is available for all.
Enriching experiences (community sport and activity)
Good for- Having fun doing the things you like to do.
- Trying new activities.
- Visiting places in the community.
- Increasing and maintaining your physical activity levels.
Examples include:- Golf
- Driving range
- 9 hole course
- Football golf
- Hill walking
- Gym
- Swim
- Fishing
- Cycling
- NUFC Community football
*Must be able to swim (swimming instruction available to request)
**Must have completed Bikeability (Bikeability courses delivered yearly)Short courses
Good for- Improving your knowledge.
- Helping you to make good decisions.
- Supporting weight loss.
- Increasing and maintaining your physical activity levels.
Examples include:- Bikeability
- Health and Fitness
- Sports Volunteer
*Must be able to ride a bike
One to One support
Whatever your interests we will look to support you.Good for
- Building a rapport, positive relationships with staff.
- Boosting your confidence and motivation.
- Improving your fitness.
- Exploring your interests/hobbies.
Examples include:- 1v1 Personal Training
- Boxercise
- Jogging
All abilities catered for.
Room based exercise
Good for- Low level exercise.
- Restricted access to equipment.
- Maintaining fitness when you can’t access the leisure facilities.
Examples include:- 1v1 Personal Training
- Body weight exercises
- Home gym
National events
Brining the outside in and helping people to stay in touch with what’s going on locally and nationally. Looking for new and exciting ways to exercise and raise awareness of health issues relevant our group.
Examples include:
- National Walking Month
- International Forest Day
- A Weight off Your Mind
- Nutrition and Hydration week
- Movember
Contact information
Sports department
Northgate Park
NE61 3EYAndy Murray (Sports and Fitness lead)
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 59347 Sports DepartmentMichael Gardner (Sport and Fitness Practitioner)
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 64226 Sports Department -
Exercise videos
Benefits of exercise – the NHS website
UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines
Bikeability TrustWebsites listed above were accessed in December 2023 and were correct at that time.
Information about content, other formats and version control
Further information about the content, reference sources or production of this leaflet can be obtained from the Patient Information Centre. If you would like to tell us what you think about this leaflet please get in touch.
This information can be made available in a range of formats on request (eg Braille, audio, larger print, easy read, BSL or other languages). Please contact the Patient Information Centre Tel: 0191 246 7288
Published by the Patient Information Centre
2023 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, PIC/830/1223 December 2023 V2 Tel: 0191 246 7288
Review date 2026