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The Initial Response Service supports people to access the right to help to resolve their current difficulties. They provide practical advice, emotional support from qualified nursing staff and when appropriate, routing to the right service.
The teams are made up of the clinical leads, qualified mental health clinicians and experienced support staff. The teams are also supported by clinicians from specialist areas of care such as:
Anyone who lives in South of Tyne and Wearside who has a known mental health problem and is in need of urgent help and support can contact the Initial Response Service. This includes service users, carers and relatives. People who have not been previously diagnosed with a mental health problem are usually referred to the Initial Response Service via their GP, Social Care Professional or voluntary organisations.
For Deaf service users please text 07889 036 280 and a member of the team will respond as soon as possible.
If you urgently need specialist advice, even if you have not been diagnosed with a mental health problem, you can still talk to a member of the team who can advise you.
How to get referred
via GP, Social Care Professional or voluntary organisations
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The Initial Response Service provides 24 hour access to mental health care, advice, support and treatment. By calling Freephone 0800 6522 867, a member of the team will speak to you and discuss your current mental health needs.