NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies useful resources

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust self help booklets

Therapy resources

NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies practitioners use a set of standard, nationally-agreed questionnaires at every session. This is to help add further information to our understanding of the problem but also to help monitor progress. Research evidence suggests that monitoring symptoms in this way increases the chance of therapy being effective and helps both the practitioner and patient to keep on track. The main questionnaires can be downloaded below.

North Cumbria Talking Therapies Questionnaire

Sometimes you and your practitioner will decide to use a worksheet to help you record aspects of your work or to help support the work in between sessions. This helps you to remember what you have discussed and what you are working on. You can download additional copies of these in Word format below.

Five Areas Model for Understanding Your Experiences

Setting Goals Worksheet

Graded Exposure Hierarchy

Mood and Activity Diary

Problem Solving Worksheet

Basic Activity Diary

Behavioural Activation Diary

Sleep Management (summary and diary)

Sleep Diary

Behavioural Experiments Record Sheet

Thought Diary (simple)

Thought Diary (Changing ways of thinking)

Staying Well Plan

Audio resources

There are also a number of audio files that you may find useful.

Online self-help courses

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based and structured form of talking therapy that aims to alter the unhelpful thinking (cognitions) and behaviour that commonly occur during times of distress. Some people prefer to work with a practitioner, others would prefer to do the work online. There are further details on the range of online therapy provided and supported by our trained staff, on this page.

Our launch page provides details of all the different ways you can access North Cumbria Talking Therapies.

Useful websites

Drug and alcohol
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Recovery Steps Cumbria
We Are With You
Addiction Dependency Solutions (ADS)

British Heart Foundation
Diabetes UK
Hospice at Home
Diabetes Desmond Project
British Lung Foundation

Still birth/ Miscarriage
Miscarriage Association
Stillborn and Neonatal Death Charity
Bluebell Foundation Barrow

Marie Stopes Abortion

Step Change Debt
Citizens Advice Bureau
DACE (Disability Association of Carlisle and Eden)

Older Adults
Age UK
U3A (University of the Third Age)

SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide)
Suicide Bereavement Support Cumbria

Rape/Domestic Violence
Freedom Project

Gam Care

Children, relationships and families
Sure Start
Carlisle and Eden Carers
Cumbria Family Support
Marriage Care
Rainbow Trust

Impact Housing

Mental health
OCD-UK is the leading national charity, independently working with and for almost one million children and adults whose lives are affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Their website contains a whole range of useful information for people experiencing OCD. Although they do not currently run a support group in Cumbria, they are keen to do this in future if they can identify and train an appropriate volunteer.
OCD Action
The NHS website
Anxiety UK
Bipolar UK
Maternal OCD

Exercise and fitness
Exercise on Prescription
Senhouse Centre
Purple Lotus Carlisle

Cumbria Law Centre

Head injury

Cumbria Deaf Association
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)
Action for deafness

Work and volunteering
CVS (Cumbria Volunteering Society)
Job Centre Online

Dumfries and Galloway LGBT Plus
Cumbria Pride
Pride in North Cumbria (PiNC)
OutReach Cumbria
Cumbria Sexual Health Service
Beaumont Society (Transgender)
Gender Trust
Transgender Zone
Gender Identity and Research Society
The UK Intersex Association
Trans Unite

Growing Well
Birchall Trust
The Riverside Group Housing Association
Princes Trust