Welcome to the Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service (NRGDS). We’ve put a range of information and resources together to try and answer your questions and help you to find sources of support and guidance.
Links to this support and guidance are included under “In this section”
If you still can’t find an answer to your question or you would like to provide feedback on the service, please email us at: NRGDS@cntw.nhs.uk
Oestrogen equivalence products February 2024
Formulations and dose equivalents of transdermal testosterone preparations updated 31 January 2024
(These files may not be suitable for assistive technology. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format. Please email communications@cntw.nhs.uk )
If a supply issue occurs with a long-acting injectable formulation of testosterone; such as Sustanon, or Testosterone Enantate in the first instance try and source whichever is in supply at a local level of either Sustanon or Testosterone Enantate as these can be used at equivalent doses and intervals.
In the rare instance that Sustanon and Testosterone Enantate cannot be sourced a gel preparation may be needed for an interim period. The gel should be started on the day an injection is due, and it is recommended that a starting dose of Tostran at 40mg once daily is acceptable, and the dose can be adjusted depending on blood test results.
If Tostran cannot be sourced, use the equivalence table above for any preparation you can source. For a 40mg equivalent in Testogel sachets, it would be one 40.5mg sachet daily for example.
GCLS Survey
This report is part of ongoing wider research on patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and their applications to transgender health services. The research aims to investigate PROMs’ potential to assess the quality of care given by transgender services, from the perspective of service users. As of yet, no conclusions have been drawn on the GCLS or the research project at large due to its ongoing nature. This report has been published on the NRGDS website in the interests of transparency.