The main purpose of the service is to provide prompt access to a specialist diagnostic memory assessment so that suitable treatment can be given and an appropriate level of information/support provided for the person and their family members or carers.
The Northumberland Memory Service is delivered through a series of clinics across the locality although home visits continue to be widely available for people who have difficulty travelling or who are reluctant to engage. In most cases people seen in the Northumberland Memory Service will present with a fairly mild memory concern or difficulty. The service may see people with more severe cognitive impairment provided they do not require a full multidisciplinary assessment or have a high level of need such as challenging behaviour or other significant complexities. The CTT will continue to provide the response to these patients.
Support for people living with dementia in Northumberland
CNTW, in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Society, Carers Northumberland and Age UK Northumberland have co-produced these two short films to help people find the right support if they are concerned or are experiencing changes in their memory or thinking.
This short film helps to explain what you can expect to happen, if you notice a change in your memory or thinking:
If you or someone that you care for is suffering from memory loss, this short film explains some of the services in Northumberland that might be able to help:
Contact details for services and organisations mentioned in these videos:
Older Adult Community Treatment Team, CNTW
01670 395 760
Alzheimer’s Society Northumberland
01670 813 255
Carers Northumberland
01670 320 025
Age UK Northumberland
01670 784 800
Northumberland and North Tyneside Crisis Team
0800 652 2861
How to get referred
Open referral system. Enquiries can be made by telephone (01670 844 730) if advice is needed regarding the suitability for referral, or in the case of an urgent referral.